Keshov K. Sharma

Keshov K. Sharma

MD/PhD Student

University of Rochester Medical Center


I’m a trainee in the Medical Scientist Training Program at University of Rochester’s School of Medicine and Dentistry. Currently, I’m a 3rd year graduate student getting my PhD in Neuroscience under the guidance of two phenomenal mentors, Dr. Julie Fudge and Dr. Lizabeth Romanski. My thesis research centers on understanding the contributions of amygdala-prefrontal projections in stimulus processing, with a long term goal of developing translatable models of emotional processing for clincial applications in mood disorders. This site is my landing page on the internet and contains a mix of my professional information and blog posts; however, all content written here is stritcly my own and does not neccessarily reflect the views of my employers.


  • Emotional Regulation
  • Amygdala-Prefrontal Interactions
  • Neural Circuits of Emotion


  • (Expected) MD/PhD in Neuroscience, 2023

    University of Rochester SMD

  • BS in Neuroscience, 2015

    Duke Univeristy

Recent Posts

Privacy Policy for Applications

General Policy Most applications and code that I write/develop are standalone and run on a user’s computer; thus, I have no realistic mechanism of taking user data, storing information that is transacted, etc.

Recent Publications

Translating Fear Circuitry

Rodent fear-learning models posit that amygdala–infralimbic connections facilitate extinction while amygdala–prelimbic prefrontal …

Regression of Epileptogenesis by Inhibiting Tropomyosin Kinase B Signaling following a Seizure

Objective: Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is a devastating disease in which seizures persist in 35% of patients despite optimal use of …